In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Janet Devlin, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Janet Devlin, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
My first concert ever is hard to pinpoint because I saw a lot of music growing up. BUT the first concert I ever asked, begged, and pleaded to go to was Paramore in Dublin back in 2008. Since I was only 13 and Dublin was three hours away I now understand my parents’ hesitation! But when they agreed, my excitement could not be contained.
A group of five of us traveled down to Dublin escorted by my best friend’s parents. We left school early to attend the gig. Which doesn’t sound like a big deal but I’d upheld my perfect attendance record completely that year up until this point. But for Paramore, I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Up until then, I’d only ever watched a rock concert through clips on YouTube or a concert DVD. I was PETRIFIED. My socially anxious teen self didn’t know how to feel being stuck in a room that big with so many strangers, in such close proximity. But that all evaporated the moment we got inside. With every support act, my anticipation rose. Until the moment I heard “Let the flames begin”. Now, to say I shrieked would be an understatement! I loved the song and the reality of the fact I was about to see one of my all-time favourites play hit me like a tonne of bricks.
That level of enthusiasm remained for the entirety of the show, even as I was doused with water by one of the security men. With my eyeliner dripping and my heart racing, I shout/sang my way through every track. I made sure to grab a t-shirt on the way out – which I still believe I have to this day, hidden away somewhere! That show holds such a special place in my heart for it was the first time I experienced the actual magic of seeing your fave, live in concert.