Wild Story – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the adult-contemporary music duo, Wild Story, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the adult-contemporary music duo, Wild Story, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Wow – the ultimate tour lineup, dead or alive, no limits… that’s a hard one! There have been so many musicians and bands that have impacted us musically and would be legendary to share the stage with. Prince and David Bowie are definitely stand outs for us – musically and also just as people. They broke so many musical boundaries and really taught us how to be fearless when it came to creating. They were so unapologetically themselves; on and offstage. Just having the chance to watch them put on a show together every night would be unreal.
Next up, we’d love to tour with Coldplay. The best part about Coldplay is that there’s a song for every season of life. They have the best of both worlds with the stunning, tear-jerker songs and then the songs where you just want to dance and forget about any and everything that’s going on. Getting the chance to play live with them would be a level of endorphins we don’t know we’d ever come down from.
Florence and the Machine is also a huge inspiration to us. The way Florence makes her own rules vocally, lyrically, performance-wise, everything… she’s just an all around badass. Watching them perform live is like a religious experience and having the chance to share the stage with her would be a complete dream. Florence has also done so much for the dialogue surrounding mental health and we really appreciate her voice in the community.
Finally, One Republic would be incredible to have on a tour lineup. The basis of so much of our music is the songwriting. We’ve always felt like if the bones of the song aren’t there and you couldn’t captivate a crowd with just an acoustic guitar and the song itself, then the song probably isn’t that great. The best part about One Republic is their songs… they’re just next level in terms of lyric and melody. We’ve both had songs of theirs that have felt so deeply personal to us and that still feel that way years after we heard them for the first time. They feel timeless and it would be an honor to stand on a stage with them.