whatshisface – FIRST CONCERT EVER
In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative r&b artist, whatshisface, talks about the story of their first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative r&b artist, whatshisface, talks about the story of their first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
I was 11 years old in the midst of a summer heatwave. My first concert was The Doobie Brothers and it was my first time ever experiencing anything of that nature. Just a few days prior, I had twisted my ankle and was temporarily in a wheelchair for the show. Because of this, I was in the very front of the stage and watching in a complete mesmerizing state.
Hearing the crowd sing songs that I had been familiar with from my dad. Looking around at things being thrown to the stage. A surreal innocence about that moment still stands true with me. The feeling of taking it all in and not really knowing what was going on.
Being directly in front of the stage, I remember the volume was deafening, but I didn’t mind. The liveliness of the night was something I’ll never forget. That same feeling is similar to the one that drives my love for live music to this day. The sort of blissful chaos and magic in the moment. That’s what I do it for.