Weathers – TOUR PRANKS

In this Tour Pranks segment, the indie pop band, Weathers, chats about pranks that have happen on tour.


In this Tour Pranks segment, the indie pop band, Weathers, chats about pranks that have happen on tour. You can check out the story, after the break.

As a band, we love pulling pranks and we love it when other bands pull pranks on us. It’s a big part of the tour camaraderie between bands. Just about every tour we’ve been on there’s been pranks and we expect the trend to continue.
On the Magic Giant tour, we had quite a bit of pranks going with Castlecomer. It started when we started talking trash to each other about basketball and we decided that a game should be played with some high stakes at hand. They started drawing on our van which we considered to be some weak ass shit so we put Weathers stickers all over their van, taped up their door handles and ultimately destroyed them at basketball, like, it wasn’t even close. We had a good laugh but ultimately, we showed our dominance which was most important.
The biggest prank we pulled was on the Saint Motel tour. It started when they changed our rider to sardines, prune juice, and SPAM, which no one our age would ever eat or want. As retaliation, while one of their crew members was using the restroom we barricaded him in with a bunch of our equipment. He had to push the door open and climb out over all of the gear which we all thought was hysterical. Unfortunately, though, they put an open can of sardines into our singer’s favorite jacket. It smelled like sardines for an entire year, only after 10 trips to the dry cleaners and some lime juice was he able to get rid of the smell.
We like to pull a prank on our sound engineer, he’s lactose intolerant so we like to sprinkle his food with cheese when he’s not looking, he’s old and doesn’t see too well. He’ll be in the bathroom for hours. He retaliates by switching our entire rider to Vegan items only, so it all comes full circle.

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