Join us as Trippz Michaud shares one of his crazy stories from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative artist, Trippz Michaud, shares one of his stories from being on the road. You can check out the story below:
I’ve been on one nationwide tour thus far, and the first experience that pops into my head when I think “Crazy Tour Story” is definitely a bizarre one! It could make someone question reality itself…
This tour experience took place back in 2019. There were about 15 people or so on the bus. You know, on tour everyone always messes around, and this was no different—it was always very high-energy. This must have been the 10th show, and we still had about 22 left to go. So we’re in an old church in PA that was turned into a venue, which had everyone saying it was haunted... I’m very sensitive to energy, and you’ll hear this throughout my music, but being there felt very different—I can’t explain it. We’re in the upstairs green room and see a really creepy doll that everyone was deliberately saying not to touch. Of course, one of those 15 people (not me) decided to grab it and throw it across the room! Now everyone’s walking around saying, “We’re going to be cursed,” joking about it, maybe freaking out internally? (Also, believing in manifestation, I knew that even saying these words wasn’t good, period.) I think everyone, including me, took it as an uncomfortable joke until bright and early the next morning—the tour bus broke down! We had to get every single thing off the bus and find vans to get us to the next venue, which was 5+ hours away. There were more problems at the next venue too, with the sound and equipment not working properly. The stress of it all just threw everyone off, and things kept going wrong on tour from that point on...
Could it have been just a coincidence? I just know the timing couldn’t have been any weirder. It was pretty smooth sailing up until that point. Eventually, we ended up getting a new tour bus and pushing through, of course, but for the next few weeks on tour, there was problem after problem. For instance, I lost my voice, there was beef between some guys on the bus, relationship problems—so there was tense and negative energy all over the place once that shift happened. I’d definitely recommend not messing with things or places if you genuinely think they’re haunted or even if it’s widely known for it. Respect the unseen world, especially creepy old dolls! Overall, this tour was an amazing and life-changing experience. The ups and downs are what life is all about, and thinking back on these moments now, it’s definitely something to laugh about—but still very strange, to say the least.
Keep up with Trippz Michaud on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.