The O’s (Tips 6-10) – TOUR TIPS
The O’s have written a second set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break!
The O’s have written a second set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break!
6. Get your visas in order. If you don’t lie, make sure that someone in your group is ALSO an aspiring actor that can cry on cue. Those border folks are sweet on that stuff.
7. Don’t lose your passport. But if you do, have a French friend that lives in Glasgow who runs a really cool club there overnight it to you. FYI, we call him Guillie Nelson.
8. The last tour I made what I called “Pedigo Power Packs.” It was a Clif Bar, an Emergen-C pack, several LARGE waters, and vitamins. It was a life savor. I took one every morning.
9. Don’t lose your sense of humor and don’t take anything too seriously.
10. Sleep is overrated.