Soft Pipes – TOUR TIPS

Here is another set of Tour Tips for you reading pleasure. This set comes from Anthony Policino, who is also know as Soft Pipes. Check out his well thought out tips after the break.

Soft Pipes – TOUR TIPS

Here is another set of Tour Tips for you reading pleasure. This set comes from Anthony Policino, who is also know as Soft Pipes. Check out his well thought out tips after the break.

1. Make sure you’re with a band of people you like.
2. Make friends or contact old friends in every place you end up so you not only have places to stay but will have lots of fun doing it.
3. If you’re in a major city and leaving early in the am for a long drive, chances are there’s a whole foods or grocery store nearby. Try to stay healthy.  It’s cheaper and more time efficient to stock up with a salad, sandwich, water, and snacks for a whole day and plow through the drive than stopping at cracker barrel, subway, or whatever scary gas station chances are will be your only option in the middle of nowhere when time is of the essence.
4. If possible, avoid having a trailer.  Less people and less gear in the band means more space for comfort. Also, trailers are forced to follow slower speed limits, can be nightmarish for parking, and there’s always the worry that it can get stolen in one go.  Don’t be lazy.  Always bring guitars, bookbags, or instruments of value into wherever you’re going.  Labels and friends won’t be sympathetic when you can’t play the show.
5. Learn how to acquire and embrace having time alone.  It’s great to have a band of brothers and/or sisters that are like a gang, but they’re probably not always saying the wittiest things or being the most pleasant people. Find time.  Take a walk after sound check.  Explore.  Buy a trinket.  Thank me later.

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