In this Dream Tour segment, the metalcore band, Osiah, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the metalcore band, Osiah, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
A dream tour for us would be Slipknot, Behemoth, Whitechapel, and us. Whitechapel for us is a perfect example of Deathcore progression, of course, there are the likes of Bring Me the Horizon, however, Whitechapel has kept that super-heavy vibe, whilst branching out into other avenues of expression. Osiah is very much a learning band, we constantly strive for growth and we learn from every tour and every album, our tours supporting The Faceless and Cattle Decapitation resulted in us coming back a stronger and more professional unit, whilst self headlining shows keep us aware of the local trends and growths of our home scenes. Whitechapel’s commitment to product quality is certainly something to be admired, and not only would the opportunity to play to such a large audience be rewarding, but to do it alongside the absolute veterans of our scene would undeniably result in exponential growth of our progression. Plus, they’re the OG’s.
Behemoth is without question our favourite band in terms of imagery. They heavily influence us not only musically, but also in our visual expression via music videos, honestly; just wait for the day we get a huge budget and we are going off. Their live show as well has developed into something truly magnificent, they can fill any size stage which is a skill in itself, to have imagery that can maintain its impact no matter the size is definitely something we strive for, building your own stage really helps deliver the total package, and we are all about delivering a total product, we take great pride in all elements of music, image and text, and Behemoth are the kings of it.
SlipKnot, on the other hand, has literally carved their influence into every aspect of the alternative community, they’re up there with Metallica as bands that changed society and it’s difficult to think that any alternative band will ever achieve those levels of success in this modern day. They’re such a heavy band, in just a sense of been heavy, (something by the way – that we strive for, we don’t like branding ourselves as a specific genre and try to just write as heavy and energetic as possible, coincidentally though our sound aligns to most of the norms associated with deathcore,) and its just fascinating watching a band blast-beat and play slam grooves whilst still crushing the charts. It’s the pinnacle of achievement for a heavy band; truly inspiring, and we’d love to gain an insight into their conduct and musical ideology whilst sharing the road together.
Just opening for any of these bands would be a dream, but a tour such as this would be an honor. It would showcase the many beautiful nuisances in metal that are present today, without detouring too far from the main path, and we’d love to bring our rendition of the heaviest music out there. Thanks for having us DTB!