O’Brother – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the experimental rock band, O’Brother. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the experimental rock band, O’Brother. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Make your touring vehicle as comfortable as possible. This means build bunks, bring coolers, create sleeping areas, and keep your AC working. You will spend more time within the confines of those four walls than anywhere else while on tour. A cranky drive versus a pleasant one will make all the difference come show time.
2. Privacy is one thing you will not find while on tour. Someone will always be in the van, someone will always be in the green room, and if you’re lucky enough to snag a hotel room for the night there will definitely be 4 or 5 other dudes lounging around in their manties. So bring headphones and/or earplugs. It will be your only way of “getting away” and your only time of “privacy”.
3. Bring plenty of socks and underwear. There will be times (after a sweaty performance or after a 12 hour overnight drive) when you will feel dirty as hell, and you will still feel the need to meet and talk to people you don’t know. Sometimes something as simple as a change of undergarments can make you feel like a new and more confident [less smelly] man.
4. Try and grocery shop instead of eating fast food. It’s healthier and cheaper to get some bread, peanut butter, Sriracha, and canned foods than it is to eat shitty McDonald’s or Wendy’s every day.
5. Never take a sip from any sort of water bottle in the dark. There will be many close calls when you’re doing an overnight drive, it’s dark and you’re parched. Turn on the lights, take a look at the bottle, smell it, analyze it before proceeding. Don’t chance it unless you want to drink yours or your best friends’ urine. Or chance it then suddenly you’ll really be best friends! Win/win situation.
Keep up with O’Brother on Twitter and Facebook!
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