margø - DREAM TOUR
Join us as margø tells you her dream tour lineup picks.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop artist, margø, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks below:
This was an incredibly hard question to answer because I have so much love for so many different artists/bands! I've summed up my dream tour as a dream "mini festival" because I genuinely could not narrow it down between these bands. Let me start this off by saying that if, in some alternate reality, this lineup ever existed and I got to be part of it - I would probably be inconsolable (in the best way).
First of all I have to include Bishop Briggs - I cannot ever say enough about her as an artist, and always need to reiterate that after hearing "Wild Horses" and "River" for the first time, I knew what kind of music I wanted to be making. She's forever one of my biggest influences and I cannot tell you how much I hope that someday I get to share a stage with her. I also absolutely would need to have Billie Eilish there, because again, her production and writing style has greatly contributed to the way I view and craft my art. These two artists really gave me the courage to tap into the darker side of pop (and express myself the way I want to as an artist), they are absolute icons, and aside from their influence on me - their music has gotten me through some very trying times in my life.
I also would love to have Glass Animals, Odesza, and Bastille there on the festival lineup. These are three bands I just genuinely love and admire - I've been extremely fortunate to see them all several times live, and I will never (ever) get tired of seeing them perform. Their music gives me so much joy and feels nostalgic in a very magical way - they've been the soundtrack to some of the best times in my life, and are so deeply engrained in many beautiful memories surrounding my friends. I would, again, be absolutely inconsolable sharing a stage with them - but can't think of three bands I treasure more, and would love to be part of anything they're part of.
Finally, I'd have to include all of the bands I grew up listening to. Specifically ELO, Led Zeppelin, Blondie, Joan Jett, Paul McCartney, ABBA, and The Police. My parents always had these artists (among others) playing around the house while I grew up, and I have such a deep love and appreciation for their music. My first concert ever was The Police - I spent weekends as a kid driving around with my parents blasting their greatest hits leading up to the concert and STILL know every word to every song. I've also been lucky enough to see Paul McCartney and Blondie in concert, and cannot tell you enough how life changing those experiences were for me. Being on a lineup with any of them would be a real full circle moment for me - I truly believe that they shaped the kind of music I like, and absolutely know they shaped the kind of music I wanted to be making.
Overall, this would be a magical and life changing lineup to be part of - and I truly hope someday I make it to a place where I'm able to join along with any one of these bands.
Keep up with margø on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and website.