This crazy tour story was written by the Cleveland, OH based pop punk band, Light Years. You can check out their story from the road, after the break.


This crazy tour story was written by the Cleveland, OH based pop punk band, Light Years. You can check out their story from the road, after the break.

“Anytime a crazy story happens to us, it seems to revolve around our van breaking down.  This story is no different.

On our tour last summer with Citizen and Turnover, we had a fairly long overnight drive to South Carolina.  I was the one who decided to take the first shift while everyone else tried their best to sleep.

A few hours later, all I see are sparks flying out from the back of our van. Sweet.  After scaring everyone to death and pulling over to the side of the road, we determined our muffler had indeed fallen off and was dragging across the ground. Hence the sparks.

Well, Tommy is the closest one to having any automotive knowledge and he went under to see what he could do.  We found some plastic rope on the side of the highway and Tommy tied the muffler up the best he could, but while doing so he kept hitting his head underneath the van and was getting eaten by red ants.

As he was finally coming out from under the van he cracked his head yet again and this is when he broke.  He screamed “FUCK!!” at the top of his lungs about 34 times and then proceeded to kick the side of the van. Then, for his finishing move, he slammed the door as hard as he could shattering the window.  3 seconds of dead silence followed and then everyone, but Tommy, laughed.

So. not only is our muffler held on by a thread, but we were now missing a window.  We were able to fix everything in the next couple of days, but the van was never the same again.”

Keep up with Light Years on Facebook and Twitter!

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