In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie pop artist, Jagger, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie pop artist, Jagger, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.

I was 8 years old when I saw Selena Gomez in concert for the first time. I remember I would always always sing her songs in the car, and nag my parents (who were in the front seat) to change it back to her if another artist came on. She was one of my idols growing up and I took so much inspiration from her as a singer when I was first getting familiar with music.
At that point in time, I did know I loved to sing. I would always be singing around the house, or in my room, or with my friends; but when I went to this concert, music became very real for me. I saw how much of an impact music can have on people. I wasn’t old enough to express it and didn’t really know how to, but that night I saw how her performance impacted so many people in such a positive way.
There were thousands of people there of all ages, who had come to hear her perform the songs I had been singing along to in the car with my sister. It really struck me how music can make so many different people come together and bring this sense of belonging. I think that concerts and live music really bring music to life. I always get emotional at concerts especially when it’s an artist I love and listen to every day. It’s like the same song you’re listening to help you heal from a breakup or to make coffee to, is being played in front of all these people and it’s this moment of “oh wow so many people love this song for the same reason I do” and as an artist it makes you feel like, “that’s what I want my music to do”.
Obviously, I didn’t think about it like that when I was 8 years old, but I still felt that sense of community. I performed for the first time a year later by singing “Titanium” at a school talent show and even though I wasn’t singing to a thousand people, getting emotional waving their phone flashlights, I felt just like I did when I saw Selena Gomez. I fell in love with performing and that feeling of connecting with people through live music.
There are so many reasons why I love singing and performing but I think it really all stems from the feeling I get when I’m in the crowd, watching my favorite artists perform.

Keep up with the her on TikTok and Instagram.

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