Metal band, Haarp, has written a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break.


Metal band, Haarp, has written a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break.

1. Always have a designated driver for after shows. If you do not get caught by the police you could still get lost on a back road between Kentucky and Missouri.
2. Definitely bring extra socks.  Sometimes feet will sweat during a show and the next show and the next show and when 4 guys try to sleep in the same van  after one of these shows and a particular person kicks off his socks people will spew adding to the horrid smell of the van.
3. Bring febreeze. Just in case someone forgets their extra socks.
4. Baby wipes and dry towels.
5. Make sure to keep an eye on anyone in the van who is native American Indian and is susceptible to possession by the Wendigo when driving through unfamiliar sacred territory. We were almost killed by this evil spirit while driving through the mountains in the rain, lost, wet, the roof of the van torn off, consumed by crazed laughter, hungry, tired, out of gas, desperate, drugged, mad, in a frenzy, all while just trying to get to the next show.

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