Flagship – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock duo, Flagship, share some pranks that have happened on tour.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock duo, Flagship, share some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
In April and May of 2012, Flagship was given the opportunity to open up for The Wombats US tour. The order every night was Flagship, The Static Jacks, and then The Wombats. During one of the first shows of the tour, we were all hanging out in the green room after we had finished loading out. Our Keys player at the time was randomly looking through some drawers of a desk and found a bag full of giant red balloons. We decided it would be a fun idea to blow up a few of these balloons and toss them onto the stage during the Wombats set. Particularly while they played “Jump Into the Fog”. We did it, and the crowd loved it, so we took the rest of the balloons with us on the road.
Every single night during Jump into the Fog, we blew up a few balloons and threw them out into the crowd and the crowd always loved it, but the wombats never knew where the balloons were coming from. After about 5 shows using the balloons we finally heard Murph say after the song “I don’t know where these fucking red balloons are coming from, but they have followed us to every show” I think by this point, The Wombats were getting a little tired of the balloons since they would sometimes fly up onto the stage and hit them in the face.
The end of the red balloon prank finally came near the end of the tour, we were almost out of the balloons so we decided to just finish the bag off and throw all we had left into the crowd. This was truly the night where the Wombats had had enough of these balloons, as the song went on, one of the balloons made it’s way up to the stage next to Murph. It was getting ready to reach the climax of the song, so he figured that he was going to do a huge jump onto the balloon in order to pop it when the song reached the climax. The moment came and he did his jump, only the balloon did not pop when he landed on it. It stayed inflated and he slipped into the air like the cartoon figure on a wet floor sign. Murph landed right on his back and we thought we had killed him. Fortunately, he was not dead and actually just finished the song out from the floor. So there’s our story about how we almost killed the Wombats with our innocent balloon prank. Remember kids, only YOU can prevent balloon deaths.