This crazy story from the road was written by the metal band, Essence. You can check out their story, after the break.


This crazy story from the road was written by the metal band, Essence. You can check out their story, after the break.

Once we were on tour with three other bands and we were all traveling in the same bus. We had just played the first show of the tour and everyone were relaxing, having a couple beers and sharing stories from the road. Most of us called it a night around 2 AM, but one band kept on partying. And apparently they partied too much because a couple of hours later the ‘incident’ (as it was known throughout the rest of the tour) happened. We don’t know why it happened, but at we all know what happened. It was really early in the morning and suddenly everything was chaos in the bus, as a big fight began. Apparently one of the guys were so drunk that he couldn’t find his own bunk, so he just jumped in one that was already occupied, and, of course, he was pushed out. That made him angry enough to attack the person who was sleeping in the bunk and then hell broke loose! The rest of us had a pretty rude awakening, because of people yelling and fists flying in and out of our bunks. It wasn’t a long fight because the drunk guy got his ass kicked pretty quickly and people were shouting for the bus driver to stop the bus. The tour manager had to deal with the situation and decided to kick the whole band of the tour on the spot (after the very first night). So there we were in the middle of nowhere and the band was left on the side of the road with nothing more than their personal belongings. The bus kept going with all their gear in the trailer and they had to pick it up once the tour was done. We don’t know what happened to them after that, but we guess that the drunk guy wasn’t really popular among his band mates.

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