In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative R&B artist, Erika Tham, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative R&B artist, Erika Tham, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
The first concert I ever went to was Avril Lavigne in Beijing. I must’ve been 8 or 9 years old at the time and Avril was my absolute hero. Her album “The Best Damn Thing” had become the soundtrack to my bus rides to school and might’ve planted the seed for my future Pop-star aspirations, but living in China, she seemed like such a mystical entity from a faraway land. I think that’s why actually getting to go to her concert and see her live was such a big moment for me… it felt like a clashing of two worlds.
I remember dressing up in her “Girlfriend” music video outfit, pink hairstreak and all, and going with my mom and a friend from school. Besides that, I honestly don’t remember many details from that night, besides forcing my poor mother to take a million photos of us, but I do remember just being so unapologetically happy.