Call Me Anything – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by the guys in the pop band, Call Me Anything. You can check out their five tips after the break.

Call Me Anything – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by the guys in the pop band, Call Me Anything. You can check out their five tips after the break.

1. Prepare: Let’s be real, there are just some things that need to be brought every tour. For us, it’s a megaphone and a black dildo named Winston. For most bands, it’s probably your Ipod, your EZ-pass, your headphones, etc. (Especially that last one. I know it’s hard to believe, but your band & crew doesn’t want to listen to your ‘phenomenal ITunes library’ for a month straight.)

2. Party Like A Celebrity…most of the time: After parties are fun and hotel rooms are great for trashing, but know your limits. Everybody knows how much they can handle, and what they need to do to play well the next day. There’s a classic video floating around the internet of Will falling off the drum kit in New York. Don’t be that guy…

3. Be Respectful: A musician’s bunk is his or her sanctuary, and the only thing that offers the slightest bit of “privacy.” Don’t be disrespectful by throwing your shoes or other personal belongings in someone’s space. This especially goes for the bunk closest to the door! Everybody’s tired, but a little cooperation goes a long way.

4. Be A Leader: Is everybody having a rough day? Get everyone a candy bar at the next rest stop. it sounds stupid, but seriously. Do it and watch what happens.

5. Have Fun: Go to the beach, it’s good for you. Music is awesome, but it’s good to take a break.

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter.

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