Alternative Rock Hail The Sun vs. The Ongoing Concept in Super Smash Bros. – VIDEO GAMES ON TOUR Ep. 5 [VIDEO] In this episode of Video Games On Tour, the guys in The Ongoing Concept face off in Super Smash Bros with Hail The Sun. You can watch the video, after the break.
Brent Walsh Brent Walsh vs. The Ongoing Concept in Super Smash Bros. Melee – VIDEO GAMES ON TOUR Ep. 4 [VIDEO] In this episode of Video Games On Tour, the guys in The Ongoing Concept faceoff in a couple rounds of Super Smash Bros Melee with Brent Walsh (of I The Mighty). You can watch the video, after the break.
Features Silent Planet vs. The Ongoing Concept in Mario Kart 64 – VIDEO GAMES ON TOUR Ep. 3 [VIDEO] In this episode of Video Games On Tour, members from The Ongoing Concept faceoff with Silent Planet in a few rounds of Mario Kart 64. You can watch the video, after the break.
Features Wolves At The Gate Vs. The Ongoing Concept in Mario Kart 64 – VIDEO GAMES ON TOUR Ep. 2 [VIDEO] In this episode of Video Games On Tour, Dawson, from The Ongoing Concept, challenges Steve, Ben and Nick, from Wolves At The Gate, to a few rounds of Mario Kart 64. You can watch the video, after the break.
Features The Ongoing Concept Plays Mario Kart 64 – VIDEO GAMES ON TOUR Ep. 1 [VIDEO] In this episode of Video Games On Tour, Dawson, Kyle and Parker, from The Ongoing Concept, introduce you to the series, while playing a couple rounds of Mario Kart 64. You can watch the video, after the break.
Between the Buried and Me Makes the Perfect Tour Bus Latte - COOKING AT 65MPH Ep. 49 [VIDEO] Features