In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the metalcore band, Zeolite, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the metalcore band, Zeolite, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
So this happened on our last (pre COVID) tour in Australia, when we were travelling from Brisbane to Sydney.
It was during the summer of 2019, where all the massive bushfires started raging across Australia, and we had taken a five seater campervan on tour. Basically as we set off from Brisbane, the fires were really starting to get out of control down the stretch of road we were about to travel down to get to our next gig. Now keeping in mind that Australia is MASSIVE we had a good 8 hours of travel before we would reach the area where these fires has started. As we continued Southbound we had kind of forgotten the situation with them and weren’t really monitoring what was up ahead at all.
As we got closer and closer to Sydney, the sky got progressively darker, and clouds of smoke resembling mushroom clouds became visible in the sky in front of us. As we continued south the sky darkened to the poiht where it was like driving at midnight, and we could see fires around us on the side of the road, and eventually re reached a point where the road was closed, and we were forced inland to continue on. After an hour of so of driving backroads (in our massive campervan) we had to pull over to a petrol station and get advice and figure out a way to the gig. We pulled into a local service station and as the road closed one by one around us due to the enormity of the fire we had one option left, only one road. We told the man at the service station our plan, and he laughed at us. It was impossible.
To cut a long story short, we ended up making the decision to sleep in the carpark of a local put, and ended up getting blasted drunk with some locals and truck drivers in a pub of a town of about 50 people.