In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the pop punk band, We Were Sharks, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the pop punk band, We Were Sharks, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
We’ve encountered a lot of crazy wild moments. But, the first one that always comes to mind is one that occurred on a tour that I had not been able to be a part of due to a prior family obligation.
It was back in 2018, and we were out in-support of ‘Lost Touch.’ The tour was almost two months long and we were leading up to the middle of the tour. We had made it to Long Island, NY, and had a day off. So, we thought we’d take advantage of the day off and have some fun, see some things.
As it turns out, Emmure was playing that night. So, Will and our bass player at the time went to the show.
About mid-way through the show, they returned to the van to check to see what the rest of the guys were up to.
There was a torrential rain-fall happening outside.
Colin was in the driver’s seat and saw a massive pool of water near the side door.
As Will was trying to jump around another massive puddle in front of the van, Colin put the van in gear and accelerated forward. Thus, hitting Will.
Will goes down but gets up under the impression that he is ok. Except for the fact that above his eyebrow, his head is completely split open and bleeding profusely. It’s bad, like…80’s slasher horror movie gash-blood everywhere kinda bad.
We live in Canada, and Will didn’t have travel insurance at the time. So, the guys have to take off to the border and get back to Canada and get Will taken care of. (Free health care is a blessing)
The band travels 8+ hours, having to cross an international border and back to Ottawa, Ontario to get Will to a hospital. Will gets stitched up, taken care of. The band misses one date. They turn around and head right back to the US the following day to pick back up on tour.
We also learn that Will’s hat has been stuck in the van’s grill this entire time. The van crossed the border twice with a baseball hat stuck in the front.
We now have a fake flower that we keep in the van’s grill so that we always remember.