The Venetia Fair – 3rd ROAD BLOG from “The Barf Art Tour”
We’ve teamed up with the awesome guys in The Venetia Fair for an exclusive Road Blog from their current tour with Survive This! called “The Barf Art Tour.” You can check out their third update, including pictures, after the break.
We’ve teamed up with the awesome guys in The Venetia Fair for an exclusive Road Blog from their current tour with Survive This! called “The Barf Art Tour.” You can check out their third update, including pictures, after the break.
Hey clown dogs, Mike Abiuso here aka The Eggman, aka Small man aka shut the fuck up before I get embarrassed. Overall we had a very positive experience in San Fransisco that consisted of no show, being drunk and being hung over, but cheers because “hair of the dog”. (Note to all tourists: Don’t say San Fran and don’t say Frisco just go home and keep your mouth shut)
From there we headed to LA where we met up w/ 3 friends. They had a place that had the potential to be the nicest place in the world consisting of 3 floors plus a rooftop. The 3 floors contained basically a theater and recording studio and the rooftop was equipped with heat lamps, a bbq and hot tub. The reason it fell shy of the nicest place in the world was because most of that stuff was broken, there was shit everywhere and I’m pretty sure our friends’ full time jobs were to spend all day taking dank nug ice bong rips, but there’s no such thing, so there’s no way to tell. I asked Asspoop what he thought. He was indifferent and was acting very “hair of the dog”.
We were pretty pumped to play “Whiskey a go go” that night, but prior we had to do a pit stop live video interview so our host could attempt to sell our fans $10 paper plates. It went over as expected. I asked Asspoop what he thought of the interview. He wasn’t there but was indifferent and very “hair of the dog”.
Chris was very excited to play Whiskey a go go because a) Motley Crew had played there and b) Roney Radke was there. Chris immediately shit his pants in excitement which led to Roney shitting his kilt in agreement. We thought the turn out, the sound and the performance was awesome. I asked Asspoop for confirmation. He was indifferent and particularly “hair of the dog”.
Next night: Chain Reaction in Anaheim. Chris loves Chain Reaction and nearly shit his pants. Ronney may or may not have found out about this, but probably shit his kilt regardless. The band that played 3rd to last decided to steel Benny’s fanny pack. We know it was them because there are cameras and the camera’s said “yes Benny, it was them”. I asked Asspoop how we should go about the situation. He was acting very “hair of the dog” and was indifferent to the matter, so we’ll decide how to take action when he has an opinion.
San Diego a la “Last Call”. Ever tell a story to someone, look over to them for a response to find they were either asleep or just not there at all? Imagine knowing that person is asleep or not there and performing for them anyway. That was “Last Call”. Joe performed hiding in the corner behind his piano, Chark took a shit, Benny and I actualy took a shit, Chris shit his pants, Roiney shat his kilt, Asspoop didn’t give a fuck.
The Vault in Temecula is a sick ass venue. The drummer of Finch does sound there and crushes it, so we were all pretty pumped to have our tits sound plump. It turned out that Finch was on tour, so the fill in was a deaf landscaper they picked up on craigslist three miles from the venue. He had never seen a fader before, but allowed us to grace the audience’s ears with feedback for 45 minutes. In actuality it sucks having to fill in, he was a very nice dude and we would never give a fuck about sound. That said, we had a blast, Chris shit his pants. Asspoop laughed but his laugh seemed very “hair of the dog”, so I wasn’t sure if it was sincere. Whatever fuck em…Off to Roswell, NM where we will attempt to batter 4 aliens and throw em in the spook. Till next time, fuck off.
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