The Wonder Years’ “4 Shows In 24 Hours” in Chicago – REVIEW
The Wonder Years had a goal to release their new album, The Greatest Generation, with a bang and they did just that. How you ask? By playing 4 shows in a 24 hour period in 4 completely different cities: Philadelphia,…

The Wonder Years had a goal to release their new album, The Greatest Generation, with a bang and they did just that. How you ask? By playing 4 shows in a 24 hour period in 4 completely different cities: Philadelphia, New York City, Chicago and Anaheim. We were at the Chicago show and our review can be read, after the break.
Who would go to a show at 10am? Chicago, that’s who. We not only managed to sell it out, but also had people lined up as early as 8am to get in. The Wonder Years, who are doing this crazy, but awesome 24 hour tour to celebrate their new record, The Greatest Generation. Starting in Philadelphia, continuing to New York City, then Chicago, and finally ending in Anaheim, this band is definitely dedicated.
Walking into the packed Bottom Lounge on a Saturday morning, it was the most crowded I’ve seen this venue get.
Mixtapes took the stage first and succeeded in waking the crowd up. Playing old and new songs, the crowd was even moshing to them. Having never heard them live before, they have gained a fan here. They are really fun to watch live and have great stage presence. Their banter in between songs was hilarious. They seemed like such down to earth people and fun as well. Also, they hung around after to meet people and talk with them.
The Wonder Years hit the stage after already playing two shows and traveling, I’m surprised they had any energy at all. “I wanna hear you at the top of your lungs. 10am is no excuse,” was what was said by Dan “Soupy” Campbell and the crowd exceeded that. Making sure to mosh and countless crowd surfing and stage diving took place. If there was ever a way to start your morning, this was it. “Keeping it real” as Soupy said, he told the crowd they were not going to be able to do an encore as what usually happens and they were not going to be able to stay after the show. So the last song was really going to be the last song and they would have to pack up and go to catch their plane. Before having to leave right after their last song, “Came Out Swinging”, they made sure to include “Local Man Ruins Everything”, “Logan Circle”, “Washington Square Park”, “Passing Through a Screen Door”, “Don’t Let Me Cave In”, and “The Bastards, the Vultures, the Wolves”, as well as others.
Going to a show at 10am as opposed to getting out of a concert at 10pm is really something to experience. It really feels different and was a lot of fun. Who else can say they went to a concert, on a Saturday morning that ended before twelve and still had their whole day ahead of them? Not many people I would think. If you were lucky enough to attend one of these shows, then please consider yourself a part of “The Greatest Generation”, where a band can even think to play four shows in 24 hours and actually do it.
Information about the tour…
Tour: The Wonder Years’ “4 Shows In 24 Hours”
Bands: The Wonder Years, Mixtapes
Reviewer: Ali Jimenez
Date: May 11, 2013
Venue: The Bottom Lounge in Chicago, IL