The Ugly Club – TOUR TIPS

We have another set of Tour Tips for you to check out. These come from the New Jersey indie rockers, The Ugly Club! To learn how to tour from this awesome band, you can check them out after the break.

The Ugly Club – TOUR TIPS

We have another set of Tour Tips for you to check out. These come from the New Jersey indie rockers, The Ugly Club! To learn how to tour from this awesome band, you can check them out after the break.

1. If you’re going to be sleeping in the van and not hotels (likely), make sure to keep it as clean as possible and arrange a comfortable place in back for at least one person to have a turn to lay down.
2. Bring books for the long drives.  Don’t spend brainless hours on cell phone games and texting.
3. If you have room for it, bring along a friend or someone not in the band to help out with filming/merch/etc.  Not as much for help but for everyone’s sanity.  It’s great to have someone like that to keep things cool and you don’t feel quite as alone with the band.
4. Don’t leave your cell phone on your lap when driving.  You might hop out of the car for gas or to stop and leave it on the highway or at a rest stop.  These things happen!
5. This should be number 1 actually.  Bring acoustic gear for full band street busking in key cities.  Spend at least 2 hours street performing.
a. Get in great practice and be that much more efficient when show time comes
b. Potentially make a nice amount of money that you hadn’t factored in with merch sales/show guarantees.
c. Gain a ton of new fans/possibly draw better for that evening’s show!

Make sure you keep up with The Ugly Club on Facebook and Twitter!