The Graduate- TOUR TIPS

The guys in the rock band, The Graduate, wrote a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check out the tips after the break!

The Graduate- TOUR TIPS

The guys in the rock band, The Graduate, wrote a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check out the tips after the break!

1. Pick up The Musician’s Guide to the Road by Susan Voelz. This has a lot of great tips for people starting out, and even those who think they’re seasoned in touring.
2. Don’t treat it like a party, but don’t treat it like work.  Be on time and try not to be a diva.
3. Respect everyone’s personal space and feelings.  Its very easy for things to get ugly when you’re around anyone for a long period of time without proper meals, sleep, etc.  Try to remember you’re all in this together.
4. Sink shower when you can’t clean up proper.  No one likes smelling your stank all day.  At least hit your pits and unmentionables.  Always have gum.
5. Take care of your vehicle.  Get the oil changed, check your fluid and tired regularly, and don’t drive 80 on the highway pulling a trailer full of gear.  I know bands that have gotten 300k miles out of a van, and we’re up to 220k and it’s still hanging in there.  A GPS wouldn’t hurt either.

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!

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