Take The Name – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the metalcore band, Take The Name, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

In this Tour Tips segment, the metalcore band, Take The Name, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.
1. Health! Taking care of yourself is hard enough when we aren’t on the road. But when you don’t have a bed to sleep in, a shower every day, proper meals, and you share a vehicle with 3-4 other people? You can almost always assume you will get some sort of sick on tour. Airborne is a band’s best friend!
2. Getting to each venue and then back home safely is no easy task. Especially when most of the driving on tour happens late at night or early in the morning. It’s definitely important to take shifts between everyone else in the band or group. You’d think this goes without saying, but even our guitarist feels the need to drive most of our tours.
3. Bring extra of everything! In moderation of course. There’s only so much room in a van or trailer. But everything means guitar strings, drum sticks, guitar picks, drum heads, clothes, toothpaste, deodorant, WATER. You never know when something could happen and it’s the absolute worst being without any of these things and others.
4. It’s very easy in a band to get under each other’s skin. Being in a van for a long period of time with the same people is tough. Always keep in mind that no one feels 100% and take into consideration the little amount of space you actually have. Be nice! It’s supposed to be fun.
5. Last but definitely not least, as we just mentioned above, HAVE FUN! Let’s be honest, going on tour has its setbacks, being away from family, taking risks of getting sick, maybe leaving a job behind. But this is what living the dream is all about. Get out there, make music and memories. Make every minute of it count because not everyone gets to experience this lifestyle
Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
9/1 | Stage West Scranton, PA with Kulick
9/2 | Club Carrigans Whitehall, PA with The Boastfuls
9/8 | The Basement Pheonixville, PA with Sleep Signals
9/9 | The West York Inn York, PA with Sleep Signals
10/24 | Sportsmen’s Cafe Allentown, PA with A Light Divided