Summer Salt - TOUR TIPS
Join us as Summer Salt gives you some advice for going on tour.

In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock band, Summer Salt, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips below:
Touring is one of our favorite things to do! We enjoy the camaraderie, the adventures we get to share on the road, and seeing/playing music for our fans!
Here are some tips from us to stay afloat while on the road!
First of all, always hydrate - it's super important because you are working all day and there are times when we forget to drink water! There are plenty of opportunities to drink water and stay hydrated on tour! Only downside is having to pull over cause we all have to pee haha!
Second - try to sleep on the road if you're not driving! There are lots of tiring days when you might have to drive 6 hours or more but had to leave the venue at 2 AM the night before and didn't get to the hotel and in bed until 3. This is also a pain because that 6 hour drive requires you to get up super early in the morning just so you can get to load in and sound check on time. We find it important to get rest when you can in these situations although it may be uncomfortable trying to sleep in the van it's usually worth it!
For our third tip we would like to suggest planning in advance! Whether its where you are going to sleep that night or which gas station might have cheaper gas! It's always nice to stay organized and know where/what you are getting into next especially when there are multiple people in your touring party!
Fourth - Communicate! Communicating with your band and crew is important! Not only is it a healthy way for everyone to voice an opinion but it keeps everyone engaged with each other and helps the synergy and chemistry too!
Last tip for tour is stay positive! It is a big adventure that you get to share with your bandmates/crew/friends! Even when there are times it can seem hard and tiring, at the end of the day it's one of the most fun and rewarding things to do as a musician! Everything can also become a lesson and you can learn things for future tours! We enjoy every part of the experience and can't wait to hit the road again :)
Keep up with Summer Salt on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.