Sterre Weldring – FIRST CONCERT EVER
In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie pop artist, Sterre Weldring, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie pop artist, Sterre Weldring, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
Even though my music taste has shifted quite a bit over the years, the first album I completely fell in love with was ‘Speak Now’, by Taylor Swift. I believe I was 13 years old at the time and I remember having this album on repeat for quite a while. I didn’t know much about music but there was something about the storytelling on this album that really touched me. I had never been to a real concert so I had no idea how magical that could possibly be.
A few months after I discovered this album, I found out Taylor Swift would be playing a concert in The Netherlands, at Ahoy Rotterdam. There was no doubt: I ordered tickets straight away to go see her with my mum and I honestly couldn’t be more excited.
It’s hard to describe exactly how special this concert was to me. There is a certain fire to Taylor Swift when she performs which is enchanting, the passion she manages to bring across is so powerful, something I believe no recording could ever do. But also this massive crowd singing together all the words to her songs, it made a big impression on me. At a live show I believe you experience all these emotions so much more intensely, joy and euphoria but also the intense sadness during the ballads, for any Taylor Swift fans out there: hearing Back To December or Dear John live really is something else. It made me forget everything else in the world. It made me wanna do all of it myself and at the same time experience it all many more times.
I think especially at this young age, seeing your hero live is so magical, but besides this, I knew there was something about live shows in general that would never fail to excite me. There is a certain magic to it which I encountered for the first time that night and it made me want to experience a whole lot more of it. I remember becoming emotional and realising at that moment that music is one of the most powerful things in life, certainly in my life.