Spawn Of Possession – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by Dennis of the band, Spawn of Possession. You can check them out, after the break.

This set of Tour Tips was written by Dennis of the band, Spawn of Possession. You can check them out, after the break.
1. Wear cargo pants with big pockets so you always can carry a pressed roll of toilet paper with you (clubs are always out).
2. Use the ladies room. It’s always cleaner and if some bitch starts to yell don’t worry, you’re a rock star.
3. Force each band member of each band to shower after every show. The tour bus is like a submarine infested with germs as it is.
4. Don’t ever bring stage clothes into the bus. Always put them in the trailer or a side compartment of the bus. You don’t wanna add more reek to the stench of old beer and farts!
5. For personal safety, don’t fuck, get a B.J. instead. Much more sanitary, less personal and on top of all less work.