Sloan Peterson – PRESHOW RITUALS
In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock artist, Sloan Peterson, reveals what she does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop rock artist, Sloan Peterson, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
My pre-show rituals depends on the type of tour I’m on. Lately, I’ve had to adapt my stage lineup between duo/tri and full band, so as a duo it is a very easy tour with minimal physical preparation, more mentally preparing myself to get on stage. Having the whole band always brings a lot more energy to the room to get really amped up before heading on stage.
I’m the kinda person who would probably go to the airport the day before just so I don’t miss the flight, so I tend to turn up extremely early for my sound checks/shows. The thing most people really don’t know is how much waiting around you do as a touring musician.
I try not to drink too much before I play, but I have a whiskey or two before getting up. Really helps with my nerves. The shows I’m headlining or when I have my own tours seems to be when the nerves hit the most. I mostly drink copious amounts of tea, and lately, corn chips have been on my rider, which has definitely not gone underappreciated.
I try to pre-mediate the set list and mentally prepare my performance, lyrics, and movements. If it’s a couple of consecutive shows my banter between songs will Cough up some kinda story or event we encountered during tour, I think this connects the audience to the experience of a touring musician.