In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro pop artist, Scott Helman, talks about the story of his first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the electro pop artist, Scott Helman, talks about the story of his first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
My first concert was the Backstreet Boys. But I was five, and I only really remember screaming for five songs. Then we left because my Brother was upset about the noise. Does that count? Not sure…
My first real, proper, life-changing and awe-inspiring concert was a little later. I was thirteen, and although my Dad and I disagreed on lots of things, we both agreed that Pink Floyd was the shit. We would blast Dark Side Of The Moon together in the kitchen, especially during a rainstorm, and both had the habit of singing every guitar solo so that whoever was with us was completely and totally unimpressed. One day my Dad surprised me with tickets to see Roger Waters, one of the main and founding members of Pink Floyd, live at the Air Canada Center. I flipped.
The show was a complete and total mindfuck for me. I had never seen anything like it. I knew the songs, but I had never really seen a proper show before, and this was more than just a show. This was the culmination of sound and art, the force of musical history being thrust back into the present, the merging of generations within a stadium! From Dogs to Wish You Were Here, my adolescent brain exploded ad infinitum, and I stood with my jaw dropped for most of the show.
I remember fondly, halfway through, asking my Dad what that funny smell was. He immediately turned to the man behind us and asked him to stop smoking. The guy, red-eyed and content, shrugged and took another puff. I realized what it was, and my Dad sort of just turned to me and shrugged his shoulders too. It’s a fond memory because at that moment, and for the rest of the show, me and my dad were just two buddies who loved Pink Floyd. Whatever reservations or worries we had in our lives melted away and we sang those guitar solos at full volume along with twenty thousand other losers. I try, in my daily life and within my own art, to keep that feeling alive as best I can.