Savage Messiah – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the London-based metal band, Savage Messiah. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the London-based metal band, Savage Messiah. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Buy a George Foreman family size grill and take it with you everywhere! If catering is poor, or there is no catering you’ll be able to buy in bulk from a supermarket and cook a decent meal quickly for all band and crew. Eating fast food everyday may sustain you for a week or so, but any longer and you’re all going to start getting sick and miserable. Eating well will definitely improve the touring life.
2. Cut all corners on finance, sell back that extra crate of beer to promoters if you have too, an extra $30 a day will make a difference by the end of a tour and can be that extra percentage of a profit split at the end.
3. Rehearse your show down to the last note! Don’t leave anything to chance. Professionalism can have a massive impact on your merch sales and reputation. There is literally no substitute for thorough rehearsal.
4. Stage clothes should always be packed with the gear. Never play shows in your day to day clothes, and always make sure stage wear is stored with the gear so that it can dry out properly in between shows, nothing is worse from the perspective of the first few rows of an audience than stinking band members.
5. Negativity is banned! Weed out the negatron! When the chips are down everyone needs to knuckle down and work through the situations together as a team.
6. Welcome any betrayal with open arms. Things go wrong! Accept it.