In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Samuel Jack, talks about the story of his first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the singer-songwriter, Samuel Jack, talks about the story of his first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
The first concert I ever went to was that of Mod God, Paul Weller – some time ago now. Me and my bessie mate Ross went down to the BIC in Bournemouth. It was some night. Weller didn’t disappoint. I was obsessed with his album ‘Stanley Road’ at the time, and his song ‘You do something to me’ remains one of my all-time faves. He had such a swag about him, I remember him nonchalantly walking on stage, cigarette in his mouth, whisky in hand, before opening with ‘Changing Man’ – me and Ross were already half-cut by this after drinking too much cheap lager, but sober or not this was one hell of a show. It was a first taste of how powerful live music can be. For a good two hours, those two thousand people we sang along with were all connected – we were together – and nothing else mattered. I was smitten with a girl called Rachel back then, I remember sending her a message that night saying “listen to You do something to me, it’s your song!’’ Obviously, I hadn’t mastered the art of playing it cool at that point in my life, but we ended up updating for a while – so thank you, Paul, for the songs, the memories, and for helping me woo the hot girl in the year above. What a night.