Royals – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the pop punk band, Royals, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop punk band, Royals, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.
1. Take time for the fun stuff during the day
Evenings on tour are a bunch of fun – there is no greater feeling than being on stage, but traveling between dates can get repetitive. It’s easy to just think ahead to the following night, but we like to break ours up by stopping for a spot of indoor mini-golf, finding a field to kick a ball around, or going for drinks!
2. Be prepared to get close to each other. Real close.
Maybe this only applies to us, but we end up seeing a lot of Will, and we don’t just mean hanging out (or in some cases, we kinda do). Anyone who follows us might have seen him streaking through our Jaded video shoot. We can only assure you it escalates on tour.
3. Check the car park signs before you leave your van.
Speaking from experience, if you decide to park your transport in an enclosed area, read the signs before you leave it. We unloaded for a show in Manchester and left our van in a carpark that we had not realized, locked overnight at 10:30pm, meaning we had no way to transport anything out after the show. Luckily the lovely guys in Downcast and their driver Ryan came to our rescue by taking all of our shit to the next date. We owe those guys big time!
4. Be kind to each other when you eat
You’re gonna be in close quarters with your bandmates, take it easy on the spice and/or fiber. When you fart, everyone in the van suffers.
5. Don’t be a stranger
If you’re touring with another band, take some time to hang out with them! There’s a bond that forms between bands touring together that is kinda unlike any other friendship you have, and you make friends for life. (ps. we miss you downcast)
Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Upcoming dates
30th Oct 2021 – London /w Two Year Break
31st Oct 2021 – Southampton, Holloween with Our Hollow, Our Home
23rd Feb 2022 – London /w As December Falls