Remember Me When - DREAM TOUR
Join us as Remember Me When tells you their dream tour lineup picks.

In this Dream Tour segment, the metalcore band, Remember Me When, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks below:
Honestly, it's kind of tough to say! There are so many amazing groups in this scene that would be a dream come true to tour with! Bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Bad Omens, and Sleep Token would be a crazy experience seeing as those are in our minds some of the bands that are leading Rock and Metal in the new age! But also getting to tour with the bands we grew up loving like, Asking Alexandria, Hollywood Undead, Crown The Empire, or Black Veil Brides would be just such an amazing experience, simply because those were the groups we were inspired by you know? They were the ones who really made us want to start doing this in the first place! I think in our dream tour scenario we would have to find a good mix of both! So let's go with Sleep Token headlining the whole event first off, then next on the bill I think it would be crazy to see Bad Omens going on before them just to really mix up what the crowd will be enjoying musically each night! Next, let's go with Crown The Empire, they are such an energetic and talented band that would light up the crowds every night! And then lastly, having us in Remember Me When opening up the show! What a crazy night that would be us! Getting to see a mix of the music we grew up loving with the new music that is completely blowing us all away! That would be a real dream come true moment for us.