This crazy story from the road was written by the alternative rock band, The ReAktion. You can check out their story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the alternative rock band, The ReAktion. You can check out their story, after the break.
Earlier in the year when we were on tour in El Paso, Texas we ran into a border crossing checkpoint, and the police were questioning what we were doing. We said we are a band, we are musicians, and they immediately pulled our car over and to search our vehicle, luggage, and gear. It was pretty thorough too, they had everything torn apart and laid out on the side of the road, and their K-9 was going fucking bat shit crazy…. maybe it was the leftover show/afterparty stench from the night before? I have a feeling if we said we were tourists or something there wouldn’t have been an issue, but whatever.
So as these guys are tearing our whole lives apart (crazy dog included) we are kinda watching from the sidelines, like “what are they expecting to find?”. I guess the fact that we are all Spanish speaking and have accents means maybe we are smuggling drugs or people or something? Lol. Anyways after a lengthy search they told us we were free to leave… easy enough except of course we had to spend a bit of time re packing all of our luggage and junk.