Party Nails and PRXZM – TOUR TIPS (Top 5) Ep. 927 [VIDEO]
On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Tips (Top 5)”, the pop acts, Party Nails and PRXZM, recommends their tips for being on tour.

On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Tips (Top 5)”, the pop acts, Party Nails and PRXZM, recommends their tips for being on tour. Party Nails is currently supporting her newest album, You Don’t Have To Go Home But You Can’t Stay Here, while PRXZM is support their newest single, One By One. You can watch the video, after the break.
Information about this video:
Film Date – June 27, 2019
Location – Cobra Lounge in Chicago, IL
Keep up with the Party Nails on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and PRXZM on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.