In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, Paper Jackets, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, Paper Jackets, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
We were on tour in the summer of 2019 playing with X Ambassadors, Bishop Briggs, and other alternative bands. We headed to Brooklyn for the weekend to regroup and to shoot the music video for “Ghost of You” since we had a short gap between shows. We stayed in a beautiful AirBnB townhome as the owner’s first booking (and most likely their last). By the end of a successful weekend filming and also a great start to writing what came to be “Miss You”, we were on our way to Pennsylvania when we realized some bags were missing. We called the AirBnB host in Brooklyn to let them know we left some things behind. The next day the owners said all the clothes left behind were wet and they didn’t see the boy’s sneakers and questioned their existence in the first place. As for the wet clothes (just as perplexed about this as they were), they asked, “what did you do to our pipes?!… Did the girls flush tampons?… They must’ve those filthy females!”… There was apparently a plumbing issue which didn’t end up being plumbing at all. We will never forget the tampon accusation given the owner was actually the founder of a major brand that makes menstrual underwear. (Aimee (vocalist) even left a note behind saying she’s a fan of her products on some female empowerment shit. Oh well.)
After being accused of trying to scam them for new sneakers and clogging their toilets the story progressed once the owners checked their security cameras. It turns out, the morning after we left the house cleaner came by. After the housekeeper left, there was a robbery that somehow set off the sprinkler system in the house. Being that the bags were right next to the front door, these were the easiest items to run off with … Abducted were Jonny and James’ designer sneakers (RIP Versaces ?); and left soaking as if in tears from abandonment, James’ suit from the “Ghost of You” video.