Once Upon A Time – 1st ROAD BLOG from the “Timeless Tour”
The pop rock band, Once Upon A Time, is currently on the “Timeless Tour” with Hello Highway and Jocelyn. While they’re out on the road, they will be doing an exclusive blog for us. You can check out the band’s…

The pop rock band, Once Upon A Time, is currently on the “Timeless Tour” with Hello Highway and Jocelyn. While they’re out on the road, they will be doing an exclusive blog for us. You can check out the band’s first update (with pictures), after the break.
“Greetings! Charlie and Once Upon a Time checking in.
Even though we’re only four days in, it would take hours to even begin to express how amazing the first leg of our first tour has been. Between amazing bands, welcoming venues, and dedicated friends and fans, the past few nights have been both humbling and exhilarating. While it would be impossible to condense the tour experience into a blog, we’ll do our best to give you some highlights of the best week of our lives. So here goes!
Before going on tour, the band spent a week recording our brand new EP with the incomparable Colby Wedgeworth in Sacramento. As soon as we wrapped up recording, the band immediately transitioned to tour mode, and it’s been a whirlwind of activity and excitement ever since. We picked up our van in San Diego, drove to our hometown of Phoenix to spend one last night at home, and then drove a grueling 1,500 miles to St. Louis.
After three days of intense rehearsal in St. Louis, we cleaned out the van, doubled checked all of our gear, and made one last trip to Target to stock up on tour essentials. So at 6:00 AM on August 7th, 2013, Once Upon A Time departed for New Jersey on their first ever tour. The drive ended up taking almost 20 hours, and even though it was long, bumpy, and full of tolls and road work, there was never a moment of boredom. We stopped for lunch in Indianapolis so Connor–our totally amazing pianist–could score new in-ear monitors. We loaded up on food at a mall food court, and once we were sated, we jumped back on the road. After hours of stupid jokes, stories, and dance parties in the van, we rolled into New Jersey, completely exhausted, but completely thrilled.
Our first stop in New Jersey was at the house of Paige–one of our greatest fans and greatest friends. She and her family were kind enough to let us usurp their entire living room, and their kindness continued into the next morning with delicious pancakes. From there, we went to the quaint and hospitable town of Teaneck for our first show of tour. At the venue, we met the incredible guys in Hello Highway and Jocelyn, and from the very start, we were lucky to establish really great chemistry with both of the bands, and so far, the tour dynamic has been amazing. The “Timeless Tour” features bands with virtually no egos, and all of the bands are totally open with sharing amps, instruments, drums, or whatever a tourmate might need.
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After New Jersey, we drove to New York to crash with our buddy David, a longtime friend and supporter of Once Upon a Time. He was cool enough to take us around his town of East Meadow, while also showing us the world’s greatest bagel dives. Our show in Long Island was a smashing success, and we were able to close the evening with a trip to the local Applebee’s with the guys in Hello Highway. (Half off all appetizers after 10 PM–what’s not to love?)
On Saturday, we played a quick acoustic set at the house of our friend Christine, and she and her family gifted us Rita’s Italian Ice, which had been described as the best dessert ever. It didn’t disappoint. So with spiked blood sugars and new friendships, we played stripped-down versions of our songs on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, thousands of miles from our houses, feeling more at home than we ever thought possible. Pretty crazy.
Subsequent shows in Pennsylvania and Boston have been unreal, with great attendance and the coolest of fans. It’s been amazing seeing people singing along to our songs, and having the privilege to meet and talk with so many different people from so many different places has been a privilege none of us ever thought we’d be afforded.
Ultimately, and as cheesy as it sounds, the tour has been a dream come true for all of us. Each night we’ve been able to play the music we love with bands we respect, and we’re able to do it as best friends. So life’s pretty great for the guys in Once Upon a Time right now. Check back later! Peace.”
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