In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie band, New Friends, talks about the story of their first experiences with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the indie band, New Friends, talks about the story of their first experiences with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
My first concert was a very special one. It was John Mayer and if anyone knows me, they know how influential he has been in my career. It was the “Search for Everything” tour and my friend from high school and I made a whole weekend out of it. We drove 8 hours to Montreal for three days to go see him at the Bell Centre.
Being my first concert and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was going to see my guitar hero. Unbelievably we got some incredible seats 20 rows from the front and through the whole opening act I was freaking out. When he came on stage, I couldn’t believe it was him. He had the setlist laid out perfectly. The show was split up into 3 acts: The band, acoustic, and the trio. All of my favorite aspects of John Mayer were brought out in this tour.
I first got into him because of his amazing blues playing and loved that for a while. I slowly began to fall in love with his beautiful songwriting and production on each of his records which are all so different from each other. Throughout the show, he weaved in between all his records perfectly making it one of the best shows I have ever seen.