In this Dream Tour segment, the electro pop artist, MOONZz, lets you know who she would like on her ultimate tour lineup.


In this Dream Tour segment, the electro pop artist, MOONZz, lets you know who she would like on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

A tour reflects your habits and lifestyle, and really influences how you go about your life after the fact. I admire so many artists, both alive and no longer with us…But I’d be honored to go on tour with the following:
My dream tour would be Erykah Badu. I feel like she would teach me so much about personal growth, creative freedom and expression, and staying true to your core. She is such a beautiful example of finding vibrations in everything: in spirit, body, and movement. I would love to be around her energy and learn from all her experiences. I also feel like James Blake would be a magical person to tour with. He’s inspirational, his melodies are therapeutic and take me on journeys time and time and time again. I’d love to go on tour with Miike Snow. Their approach to live performance is incredibly respected in my book.
Another dream artist to be on tour with would be Miss Lauryn Hill. I would love to be in her presence and then harmonize for days with her. She was THE matriarch of Hip Hop, and would teach me so much about living out my artistic approach to my life.
Fiona Apple would be incredible. I feel like we would share our deepest, darkest secrets with each other…and write some dark melodies. I also think it would be the most fun to tour with Sylvan Esso because I’m in love with their groove, both on and off stage.
Dream dream dream tour would be Radiohead…
Oh man, I can’t forget Coldplay. Chris Martin just has a way of carrying himself, that’s relatable, trustworthy, and pure. You feel it when he sings his lyrics when he plays the interludes. Yes, it would be quiiiiite the dream come true to tour with any of the artists above.

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