Midwest Skies – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by Michigan-based pop punk band, Midwest Skies. You can check out their tips for being on tour, after the break.
This set of Tour Tips was written by Michigan-based pop punk band, Midwest Skies. You can check out their tips for being on tour, after the break.
1. Expect to lose money- you’re not famous, and no one knows who you are, so no one owes you a damn thing (including guarantees!)
2. Watch the ENTIRE show and stay until the end! You can make friends with the other bands and they’ll make great contacts later on down the road too!
3. ALWAYS get the names of the sound guy, bartender, etc. and thank them on stage during your set- it’s resulted in a lot of free booze for us, and we’ve been welcomed back!
4. You’re in a van with your boys- it’s gonna smell like a jock strap. BRING FEBREEZE!
5. Carefully budget the tour in case you run into mishaps- broken equipment, van troubles, gas, food, etc. because when you’re on tour, Murphy’s Law is in full effect!
Keep up with Midwest Skies on Facebook and Twitter!
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