Lyndhurst - TOUR TIPS

Join us as Lyndhurst gives you some of their tips for touring.

Lyndhurst - TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop punk band, Lyndhurst, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips below:

Although we're a young band and have only embarked on one full tour so far, it was a life-changing experience and one we will never forget.

First off, personal hygiene: Being that our tour was with 2 other bands (shoutout to our brothers Lives Lost and Observe the 93rd), we had 10 dudes in a 15 passenger van traveling 3,000 miles; pretty close quarters, right? Thankfully everyone knew the importance of staying clean, but even by the end of tour, the van smelled like sweaty men. Planet Fitness, truck stops with showers and deodorant can be a live-saver.

Keeping yourself entertained and sane: Having singalongs, making sure you have extra phone chargers, handheld games, good earphones, and portable DVD players (what is this, 2005?) can help to keep you from getting too bored on long drives. If time allows, when you get to your next stop, take time to yourself to maybe walk around or pair up and explore the city to give yourself space, physically and mentally.

Comfort: Living in a van is only as comfortable as it can be, so make sure you bring a pillow, extra blankets and comfortable clothes to sleep in. Speaking of clothing, make sure you bring just enough so you're not doing laundry every day, but not too much that your suitcase takes up precious real estate in the van/trailer.

Planning: Spreadsheets are your best friends. Use them to compile the information for your tour: the city, the venue, contact personnel and phone numbers; this will help you stay organized.

And lastly, eating/budgeting: Touring isn't what Hollywood makes it out to be; so much money comes from your pocket, so be wise with how you spend your money. Pack snacks and foods that don't need to be refrigerated. Unfortunately on our tour, we completely disregarded this rule and we went out to eat almost twice a day. But hey, on your first tour, go big or go home, right?

Keep up with Lyndhurst on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and their website.

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