In this Dream Tour segment, the indie pop artist, LOVA, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie pop artist, LOVA, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Oh god I thought that this would be easy but I just realized how many artists I would want on my dream tour. Let’s start off by saying that I would want it to take place during summer and I would love for it to be outside. Summer festivals are my favorite thing in the world and where I have my best musical memories. I’ve tried to break it down to some of my favorite artists who have inspired me throughout my life so here we go.
Florence + The Machine is someone I’ve already seen live but it was one of my favorite shows I’ve ever seen. I didn’t really see much cause I’m 5’4 and stood in the middle of the sea of people haha. So it speaks volumes that it’s one of the best concerts I’ve gone to. Florence’s way of expressing herself has always been an inspiration to me ever since I started getting into music. And seeing her live just amplified that 10 times more. There are few people I’ve seen on stage who are so electric, vibrant, and powerful like she is and I can’t wait to witness that again sometime.
Whitney Houston, just the idea of getting to hear “ I Wanna Dance With Somebody” live gives me chills. Who wouldn’t want to see this legend doing the thing she was so effortlessly good at. Sing!!! The number of times I’ve danced to her songs in my bedroom are endless. It actually makes me really sad to think that I’ll never get the chance to hear them live. I’d give anything to cry-dance at one of her shows.
Gavin Degraw is someone I would pick if I could only listen to one artist for the rest of my life. I think I’ll never get tired of watching him live. Ever since I started watching One Tree Hill as a kid, this guy has helped me through some rough times during my teenage years. So nothing would make the 15-year-old girl in me happier than having the chance to see him perform again. He was supposed to have a show here in Stockholm on my birthday last year, which obviously didn’t happen and left me crushed. So I’m praying that it can happen this year instead.
I’m obsessed with Harry Styles’ music and everything he stands for. I also have this dream where I stand in the very front of the crowd so we can lock eyes and have him immediately fall in love with me. But even if that won’t happen I would still love to see him live one day. Not only because of his incredible voice but also because of how unapologetically himself he is. Everything he brings to the music scene feels like a breath of fresh air and I believe that we need more artists like him.
The Beatles are Icons! Truly one of my biggest inspirations when I write music for myself. I basically only listened to The Beatles when I wrote my first EP so It would be a dream come true to sing along to their amazing songs at their show.