Lost Weekend – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by the band, Lost Weekend. You can check out their tips on how to tour, after the break.

This set of Tour Tips was written by the band, Lost Weekend. You can check out their tips on how to tour, after the break.
1. Always wear fresh socks, use laundromats, hotel laundry services, whatever.
2. Sleep feet forward on the bus, close your mouth while sleeping in the van and always listen to your flight attendant.
3. Take anything left in the green room when you leave after the show. I mean everything; water, beer, coat rack, carpet, electrical tape. You never know when it will come in handy and it might be the totality of your payment for the night so be relentless.
4. This last one goes without saying for Canadians. For you non- Canadians, always be courteous and polite to the staff at the venue. Your life will be easier and your reputation will precede you on the next tour.
5. If you get invited to a house party after the show, plan your way home carefully. Be aware of what part of town you are going to and what mode of transportation you will be using to get home. Use the buddy system if presented with multiple destinations for post show fun. Remember, no one wants to get picked up at the local police station freezing cold and crying the next morning.