Join us as LONG/LAST tells you one of their crazy stories from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the pop rock band, LONG/LAST, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story below:
We went on a small DIY tour at the beginning of 2021, right in the middle of things opening back up during COVID. We had bought a retired handicap bus that was used by the city the year prior and built it out with bunks for the tour, and we were stoked to not have to be in a tiny van with so many people. The thing is huge and handles pretty poorly, and it's about 10 feet tall and all fiberglass - but we were just excited to be able to stand up straight. Overall the tour was going pretty well - we had a couple small hiccups with venues/bands dropping last minute because their staff/members got COVID, but we were largely pretty lucky considering the circumstances. About 2 weeks into the 3 week run we played in El Paso, Texas, and that night the band we were on tour with started getting sick. We live in Colorado, so we were a pretty long way from home. We decided to drive to our next date in Denton and try to find some tests at a CVS when we got there. After a long drive and some searching, we found some tests and inevitably the dudes that were sick tested positive for COVID. We started the journey back home and canceled the rest of the tour. About 5 hours from home - around Amarillo - we hit the craziest windstorm that any of us had ever experienced, and since the bus basically just a 10ft fiberglass wall, every time a gust of wind hit the side of us it would push us a whole lane over on this tiny little 2 lane highway and almost land us in the ditch. There were no rest stops or shoulders to pull off on for more than 45 minutes in each direction, and the whole bus felt like it was going over on two wheels, so we did our best to just limp it down the interstate and stay on the road going like 30 miles an hour. After a super long trip we got to a rest stop, and the whole night the wind shook the bus so hard none of us could sleep. We really thought a few times that we were going over and we'd be stranded in the middle of nowhere in Texas in a rolled bus. Such a scary experience, but we ended up making it home safe, thankfully.
Keep up with LONG/LAST on Instagram, Twitter, and their website.