Like Roses - DREAM TOUR
Join us as Like Roses chat about their dream tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the emo band, Like Roses, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks below:
The list of bands that we’d love to share the stage with could go on forever, but if we had to pick our top five (in no particular order), they’d be:
My Chemical Romance - I don’t even feel like this one needs an explanation. There’s something so special about the community they’ve created through their music. I’ve seen them live twice now, and you can tell that every person screaming the lyrics back at them has their own deep connection with the songs. - Amy (Rhythm Guitar/Vox)
I remember being 12 years old and seeing “Welcome to the Black Parade” on MTV in the morning before school and thinking how sick it was that they could dress up and play such an anthemic, but still rock and roll song. - Devin (Lead Guitar/Backing Vox)
Taking Back Sunday - I’ve found that the bands I connect with the most are the ones with lyrics that you just want to write in big letters all over the walls and/or scream at the top of your lungs. Taking Back Sunday has always been that band for me. Also, Adam Lazzara’s mic swinging is *chef’s kiss*. Bonus dream tour points if they play “The Ballad of Sal Villanueva”. - Amy
Microwave - Touring with Microwave would be a dream because for the past five years, I’ve been singing all of their songs on repeat. Much Love ended up in my Spotify most played three years in a row, and now “Circling the Drain” and “Keeping Up” are among my most played. Plus they’re just chill, laid-back dudes. I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with them at Bottom of the Hill, and they were both humble and genuine people outside of being rockstars on stage. - Devin
Say Anything - My first ever mosh pit experience was at a Say Anything show in middle school, and I just remember being in awe of Max Bemis and his stage presence. His energy is so raw and captivating that even though I’ve seen Say Anything live so many times now, I’ve never stopped feeling that same sense of reverence. - Amy
A Day To Remember - Touring with A Day To Remember would be a full-circle thing for me. I’ve seen them live a handful of times, but the first time I saw them, I was 16 years old at Warped Tour. Jeremy, their singer, was only 25 at the time, and he told us all, “Not five years ago, we were just a group of kids playing in a garage in Ft. Lauderdale. To be playing the main stage at Warped Tour sounded impossible. But if you’re a musician, or you want to do this, or you have big dreams, do not give up on them. Just keep playing. It doesn’t matter if people tell you that it isn’t possible or that you won’t make it. We just kept playing those silly backyard shows, we kept playing those garages, we kept playing to 10-20 people, and now we’re here in front of you. What an honor and a privilege. This could be you too.” I would love to tour with them just to talk with the band about how much that moment changed my perception of music and being in a band, and how I no longer felt like my dreams were unattainable. - Devin