In this Dream Tour segment, the pop artist, Lev, reveals who he would want on his ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop artist, Lev, reveals who he would want on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
I imagine my dream tour would last 3 days tops before I was kicked off for losing my mind every time I came within 10 feet of my dream tour-mates. But if in this dream world, I can manage to pull myself together for long enough to put on a show, then my first pick has got to be Jon Bellion. Not because he’s the greatest pop artist in the world, not because his creative process brought me back into music when I was close to giving up, but because according to his tour videos he would buy me Jon Bellion merch, and frankly that’s the only way I’m gonna be able to afford it right now. The Human Condition jackets with the blue trim?! I need it. My appreciation for Jon Bellion goes so deep that I even wrote a song called “Jon Bellion” (my next single, out this October). Turns out it’s more of a rejection of the idea that we can do everything ourselves and celebrates that none of us really know what we’re doing, Jonny B included. But more on this later.
Second pick: Stevie Wonder. The man, the myth, the Stevie. Stevie was the artist I wanted to sound like so badly once I discovered him around 18 that I would torture my poor vocal cords trying to sing “You and I” for hours every day until I finally came to the conclusion that we might just have different voices. That was a tough realization. But I did manage to get a little better in the process, so it’s not all bad. Stevie Wonder is a legend among legends for me. Plus, I don’t know if you’ve seen his Carpool Karaoke but he’s hilarious. Easy #2 pick.
Third and final, I’m going with Joni Mitchell. I feel like we’ve got a good balance of energy, songwriting, and performance with Jon and Stevie, so Joni shows up to break our hearts and hand them back to us. Joni is one of my favorite songwriters of all time, and wrote possibly my favorite song of all time, “A Case of You.” Oof. Plus she didn’t perform at Woodstock and then wrote a smash called Woodstock and made a ton of money off it. That’s low-key a very big move. If I can accomplish in my career anywhere near what these three accomplished I’ll be satisfied. I guess that’s why they’re on my dream tour! If you also love these artists or are just curious to hear my music, click below. Always the Rain, out now.