In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the acoustic pop artist, Kaypo, shares one of his stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the acoustic pop artist, Kaypo, shares one of his stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
A few years back I was opening for folk-pop singer-songwriter Hein Cooper on his tour of the Australian East coast. We played a show in Kingscliff and afterward, I was hanging out with a few friends and enjoying a few drinks with some of the locals (probably about 20-30 people sat outside).
There was a streetlight that would go out, gradually re-illuminate, and then flash brightly for half a second before repeating the whole process in a continuous cycle. I can’t remember who started it, but the crowd began cheering the light to the point of illumination with growing intensity each time around. By the end of it, people were standing on and banging on tables, screaming at the top of their lungs, to the point where security had to move some of the crowd along. I have never laughed harder in my life.
We hadn’t arranged any accommodation prior and ended up sleeping in some random person’s backyard in a tent. Great times.
Keep up with him on Facebook, Instagram and his website.