In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock duo, Kadeema, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock duo, Kadeema, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
This is Tal from Kadeema and this is our not-so-crazy but more so wholesome tour story.
In October of 2021, we were invited to play a very niche festival called the Waasaaashkaa Gathering. It was a festival celebrating the community of great lake surfers and water sports enthusiasts. It was held in a tiny town called Terrace Bay which is about a 12-hour drive from our hometown of Toronto. We made the trek up there with our good friend, singer-songwriter, Wayley, who also played in the event. It was a great time, all of us in a rental van with all the music gear in the back and all our surfboards tied to the roof of the car.
With the town being so small, we had to go with one of the only AirBnBs we could find but it was perfect for us. That said, the trip was pretty expensive with gas, accommodations, and food. We were prepared to just take the financial hit just to make this a fun experience.
The day of the show came, we did our soundcheck, played our sets, had an amazing time, and got nice and drunk afterward.
The next morning, we see a message from the AirBnB host saying that they saw us last night and were so impressed that they decided to totally refund our stay! They were so appreciative of the fact that 2 bands came all the way to their tiny remote town that they felt like giving back.
So I guess the moral of the story is – People are awesome, you never know how much your efforts mean to some!