In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Jordi, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop artist, Jordi, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
I definitely didn’t have a normal “first concert experience.” My first concert was actually only in 2019. I was invited to a Chainsmokers concert…by The Chainsmokers themselves! Yes, you read that right! The show was in Atlanta at the State Farm Arena so my mom and I traveled there from Myrtle Beach.
When I showed up at the arena I was directed backstage to meet Alex and Drew in their dressing room. We ended up making a TikTok together, which was absolutely insane! I also got to watch them do their sound check, which was a really cool experience for me.
Lennon Stella and 5 Seconds of Summer opened for the duo and I felt so freaking lucky as I’m a fan of both! Seeing 5 Seconds of Summer in concert was genuinely one of the best experiences of my life — they are so talented, it’s unreal! I’ve also been a forever fan of Lennon Stella so it was magical to see her in person. I loved being able to sing along to all of her songs!
The Chainsmokers also put on an amazing show! I could not have asked for a better first concert experience. It was truly unforgettable!!!